Āyatûllāḥ Mûrtazā Mûtaḥḥārī: The Intellectual Architect of Modern Islamic Thought in Iran
Islamic revolution, Islamic philosophy , modernity, political ideologies, educational system, Iranian societyAbstract
This research explores the life and contributions of Āyatûllāḥ Mûrtazā Mûtaḥḥārī, a pivotal figure in Iran's history and Islamic thought. As a distinguished cleric and philosopher, Mûtaḥḥārī, a key associate of Āyatûllāḥ Rūhûllāḥ Kḥomeīnī, played a crucial role in the intellectual renaissance that paved the way for the Islamic Revolution of 1979. By adeptly blending traditional Islamic teachings with contemporary philosophy, he significantly shaped Iran's sociopolitical landscape during this transformative period. This research provides a comprehensive biographical sketch of Mûtaḥḥārī, detailing his early life, education, and critical influences. It emphasizes his dynamic teaching career at the University of Tehran and explores the intellectual currents that informed his philosophical and theological contributions. Mûtaḥḥārī's innovative approach to reconciling Islam with modernity, integrating faith and reason, and critiquing Marxism is thoroughly examined, showcasing his impact on the intersection of religious and contemporary thought. Additionally, the research delves into Mûtaḥḥārī's political and social ideologies, particularly his role in the Islamic revolution, perspectives on Islamic democracy, and critique of materialistic ideologies. It highlights his enduring influence on post-revolutionary Iran, especially in shaping educational and political systems. In conclusion, Mûtaḥḥārī's legacy emerges as a guiding light in contemporary Islamic philosophy and Iranian society, fostering ongoing discussions about the role of religion in the modern world and inspiring scholars globally in the evolving dialogue between Islam and the complexities of the modern era.
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